Tuesday, January 24, 2012

We all have allies in our lives, people who help us achieve those goals we set for ourselves or that others have set for us. Some contribute more than others, of course. In your essay, identify one person who has been your biggest ally in one particular area -- sports, school, performing arts, or some other area -- or during a particular difficult period in your life. Describe what that person did and how they helped you. Provide examples and connect these examples to your main idea. (from What's the Big Idea? by Jim Burke)


  1. When I was in high school and college, a person who acted as my greatest ally was my mother.

    She urged me to consider continuing my education at a time when all I wanted to do was get my high school diploma and then find a job. Because of her constant reminders that school was important, I applied to Mount Union College in the fall of my senior year. When I was accepted, I agreed to try it for a semester. I ended up staying the entire four years.

    That wasn't all my mom did for me during this time. She also allowed me to live at home, which saved enough money to allow me to stay at a school I otherwise couldn't afford. Although she couldn't help with tuition payments directly, she did feed me and keep a roof over my head those four years, which allowed me to bank more of my take-home pay for college costs.

    Finally, probably the most important role my mother played was as a role model. She was and is a hard-working person who taught by example to never give more than the very best to any endeavor. I have remembered that lesson during challenging times, and it has helped make me more successful than I might have been otherwise.

    Overall, my mother has been a profound ally in my life. I am lucky to have her.

  2. The person that has been an ally to me is Coach Hill.
    He has brought me from being a lousy freshman bowler to a ranked freshman bowler. He used to be just a friend of the family when I was younger but now he's one of my best friends. He pushed me to always keep my eye on the mark and I did amazing and became a freshman starter. I never thought that it would happen because I was a freshman and that he didn't want a freshman on varsity but I did make it and I was happy. I was happy that I found something that I could do right.
    Hill also helped me become a ranked freshman at number fourteen in the county. The day he told me that I decided to give it my all and I am now ranked number twelve. I have moved up two so far but I'm still trying to get into the top ten. That would be amazing and I think I could do it with Hill's help.
    When I was having problems with my mother Hill told me to take my anger out on the pins and told me that I was the one who was going to decide how to live my life and that my mother couldn't stop me from bowling and being all that I can be.
    He says I'm a natural bowler and the funny thing is that before I jioned the bowling team I only bowled maybe once a year at birthday parties.

  3. Streets (Scooter Jumps)
